Mitt Romney Shares His Lighter Side On The 'Late Show With David Letterman'

Mitt Romney Shares His Lighter Side On The 'Late Show With David Letterman', Mitt Romney tried to lighten his image Monday night with an appearance on CBS' "Late Show With David Letterman."

Instead of enduring the usual "grin through it" interview, the Republican presidential candidate ditched his tie and did a deadpan reading of his "Top 10 Things Mitt Romney Would Like To Say To The American People," The Associated Press reported.

The former Massachusetts governor joked about his looks ("Isn't it time for a president who looks like a 1970s game show host?"), mocked his chief rival ("Newt Gingrich? Really?") and even announced the release of his new cologne ("It's Mitts-tified.").

Although Romney has appeared on "Letterman" before, this spot was timed to air in the middle of the candidate's latest effort to take the front-runner position in the GOP race. According to The Los Angeles Times, Romney plans to do MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Tuesday and participate in a bus tour of New Hampshire.

The late night talk show circuit is a popular one for political candidates hoping to appear more charming than calculating. In recent weeks, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and pizza magnate Herman Cain both sat down with Letterman in an effort to save their flagging campaigns. Since then, Cain has dropped out of the race, and Perry's numbers have fallen in the polls.

via: huffingtonpost