Travis Barker_Blink-182’s Travis Barker Fighting Nude Photos Leak
Travis Barker_Blink-182’s Travis Barker Fighting Nude Photos Leak _ The Internet is an interesting place. Hopes, dreams, shopping, music and Travis Barker's penis can all be accessed on the world wide web. Wait ... T. Bark pulled a B. Favre (alleged)? According to NME, gossip website published several NSFW photos of Barker's junk, reporting an "unnamed" musician had sent the photos to a female admirer.

Readers quickly discovered that the pics were of the Blink-182 drummer due to his incredibly distinctive tattoo collage. Now Barker is raving mad and has sicced his attorney on the website, claiming the photos are from over five years ago and were never intended to go viral.

MediaTakeOut has received a cease and desist letter from Barker's camp for their use of the unauthorized private photos. However, it still hasn't taken down the images and claims that Barker's "jank is the size of a microphone."

Let this be a lesson to all of us. When you feel the urge to snap those private shots, just don't do it. If MediaTakeOut does not take down the photos soon, Barker will pursue further legal action.

Travis Barker Talks Friends and Music

source: spinner