+Heath Ledger cause of death
+Heath Ledger cause of death_Toxicology tests have now confirmed the cause of Heath Ledger's death. He was killed by a deadly combination of FDA-approved medications prescribed to him by his doctors. The drugs found in Ledger's system were OxyContin (a painkiller), Valium, Xanax (an antidepressant), Restoril, Unisom and Vicodin. This toxicology report ends any speculation that Ledger might have been killed by taking recreational drugs. The cause of death is now clearly FDA-approved pharmaceuticals.
As NaturalNews previously reported, FDA-approved pharmaceuticals kill at least 100,000 Americans each year. While Heath Ledger's death is certainly no isolated event, it does shed light on the seriousness of the problem. What problem? That doctors so casually prescribe such toxic chemicals to patients. Thanks to FDA backing and non-stop direct-to-consumer drug advertising on television, most patients believe FDA-approved drugs are harmless. So they take them in large quantities as if they were food supplement of some kind, much like Ledger probably did.
This casual attitude towards the safety of prescription drugs is the direct result of the pharmaceutical industry's attempts to position its drugs as "happy pills" or health-enhancing supplements. Television ads feature healthy, natural-looking people in nature, performing Qi-Gong while pushing their drugs. Even the names of the drugs are misleading: "Restoril" implies a "Restorative" function, for example.
In reality, most prescription drugs cause severe liver toxicity. And when used in combination, this toxicity can be multiplied by thousands of times, creating a chemical cocktail of deadly medicine. This is apparently what killed Heath Ledger.
While many might blame Ledger for taking too many of these pills, it is precisely the "safe" and "natural" positioning of these drugs by the drug companies and the FDA that causes people to maintain a distorted perception of the safety of those drugs. Would Ledger have taken so many pills if he really knew the dangers? Of course not. Ledger had no death wish. He simply sought medical care, and sadly, he put his trust in a deceptive system of medicine that ultimately killed him (and kills countless others each year around the world).
Don't follow Heath Ledger into an early grave. Avoid prescription drugs and seek out natural medicines. They work better than pharmaceuticals, they're cheaper than pharmaceuticals, and they won't kill you.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/022602.html