Missy Elliott graves disease
Missy Elliott graves disease_For three years now, Missy Elliot has been battling Graves' disease, the hip-hop artist divulged to People. The disease, which takes a dramatic tole on the autoimmune system and thyroid, has been so debilitating to the star that she has had to dramatically change her everyday life.

"I was [driving and] trying to put my foot on the brake, but my leg was jumping," she recalled. "I couldn't keep the brake down and almost crashed. I couldn't write because my nervous system was so bad -- I couldn't even use a pen."

But the disease has not only had a physical affect on the star, it has also taken a told on Eliott's mental facilities. The 'Work It' singer was also plagued with mood swings and hair loss while undergoing radiation for hyperthyroidism.

Unfortunately, as of yet, there is no cure for Graves' disease, but if caught early, as in Elliot's case, it can be maintained so that the carrier can live as close to a normal life as possible -- though the health of those with the disease can deteriorate over time.

"I'm 30 pounds lighter because I've been exercising," she explained. "My thyroid is functioning, so I haven't had to take medication in about nine months. [But] you live with it for the rest of your life."

And Eliott isn't letting her health hold her back, she recently announced that she will produce a comeback album with the help of Timbaland.

source: popeater