Report: Snooki Is Pregnant
Report: Snooki Is Pregnant_It is an amazing thing how interested people are in the sex lives and offspring-producing of celebrities. Iran could be on the brink of producing a nuclear weapon and the exclusive breaking story would be ignored if competing with a headline exposing Jennifer Aniston's latest boyfriend, the latest single-status-making Hollywood divorce, the birth of some star's baby, or someone potentially or actually being pregnant. One of the latest rumors involves Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, everyone's favorite "Jersey Shore" guidette.
Apparently -- at least to rumormongers -- it was being questioned, according to Celebuzz, whether or not Snooki was pregnant.
Not true, she told radio show "Mojo in the Morning" Thursday. In fact, she told the hosts, "You have to have sex to get pregnant."

Although that is technically not an accurate statement considering modern medical procedures, it -- having sex -- is still the most common method of getting pregnant. But did that mean that Snooki -- ?

The hosts pressed Snooki for more details. How long had it been since she had had sex?

"I couldn't even tell you...I think it's been about 90 days."

Three months? The bar-hopping, fun-loving, girl-fighting, smoosh-smoosher of "Jersey Shore" without sex for 90 days?

Who knows how accurate that estimate might be, but Snooki does seem to be quite popular, appearing at all manner of functions in the past several months since her meteoric rise to fame. She has been on talk shows, award shows, done interviews, made public appearances, and even appeared in court -- all in addition to her shooting three seasons of "Jersey Shore." So she has been a bit busy, maybe so much that she hasn't had time to "get busy"...

But an abstaining Snooki certainly doesn't jibe with the image everyone has of the bar-hopping, heavy-drinking Snooki of "Jersey Shore." In fact, her propensity for bestowing her affections on others was recently parodied on Comedy Central Network's "South Park," where her caricatured character -- a purse-wielding, drunken, bewhiskered, large-breasted, hunched, ill-dressed beast -- sexually assaulted any male near her.

It seems that Snooki Polizzi isn't as sexually promiscuous as her on-camera "Jersey Shore" persona makes her out to be. However, three months is a long, long (long, long, long, long) way from nearing the six years of celibacy to which R&B singer Brandy recently confessed.

Note: As for Iran's nuclear impending nuclear weapons capability, even the Russians think it is imminent. Put in terms most will more likely find interesting enough to read: According to sources close to the situation, Iran's pregnant nuclear enrichment program is about to deliver a bouncing new baby nuclear weapon.
