Ann Romney Multiple Sclerosis

by umer | 2:32 AM in |

Ann Romney Multiple Sclerosis, Ann Romney had “a little bit of a scare” involving her multiple sclerosis before Super Tuesday, she told “Entertainment Tonight” in an interview set to be broadcast Thursday evening.

Mrs. Romney, the wife of Mitt Romney, received a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 1998, and has learned to largely control her disease through a combination of diet, exercise and horse therapy. But she told Nancy O’Dell of “Entertainment Tonight” that in the days leading up to Super Tuesday — a day in early March when 10 states held votes — she “was quite fatigued.”

“I knew I couldn’t quit,” Mrs. Romney said. “I didn’t tell anybody I was tired.”

She continued: “You know, what happens with me is that I start to almost lose my words. I almost can’t think. I can’t get my words out. I start to stumble a little bit, and so those things were happening and I thought, ‘Uh oh, big trouble.’ ”

Mrs. Romney keeps her own campaign schedule, appearing at her own events and alongside her husband, and she is expected to ramp up her presence on the trail in coming months. But she has also managed to steal some time off the trail, often to ride horses, including a 10-day break after the Illinois primary.

At a dinner in Stamford, Conn., on Monday, which she headlined, Mrs. Romney discussed her M.S., calling it a rain cloud that constantly hovers at a slight distance.