Dollmaker recognizes doll in beccah beushausen picture, Beccah Beushausen, 26, a social worker from Mokena, Illinois. Mokena is a village in Will County, Illinois, United States. The online community found out her “true” identity. Sensing people were close to find her real identity Beccah Beushausen A.K.A “April’s Mom” raced uselessly to delete her Web site and Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Yeah you heard me right April’s Mom. It all started when two months ago a story about an unmarried mother with a fatally ill child in the womb is about to giving birth; hit a major nerve on the Internet.
Thousands of anti-abortions across the U.S logged on to a blog run by the uptown Chicago woman who identified herself as “April’s Mom.” People prayed that God would save her pregnancy, many sent e-mail sharing stories of personal sorrows and redemption and many sent letters and gifts to an Oak Lawn P.O. box in support.
Last Sunday night, when “April’s Mom” claimed that she has given birth to her “miracle baby” the web site had over a million hits, April’s mom or Beccah Beushausen gave birth to April Rose at home, but baby just survived for couple of hours.
However, came out none of this tragic story is true. She was not pregnant, there was no baby, the picture posted on the blog of mother and Baby April Rose, wrapped in white blanket was not even a baby, it was a lifelike doll, which straight away raised the doubt of faithful blog-followers.
A doll-maker from Buffalo, Elizabeth Russell, who was a blog follower, too said that as soon as I saw that picture, I knew it was a fraud, she said she has a doll exactly like this at her home.
Finally, the online community found out her “real” identity, Beccah Beushausen admitted the fraud. Beushausen said in 2005 she did lose a son shortly after birth and in March 2009, she started the blog to express her strong anti-abortion views and to help those people who are dealing with this kind of problems.
Beccah Beushausen had expected only a handful of friends to read it, but when her first blog post got 50 comments on it, she was captivated and soon her blog started to get 100000 hits a week and it got out of hand, she said she did not know how to stop it and one lie led to another one.
Beccah Beushausen said that he did not know anything about her daughter’s double life until the morning of Wednesday. He said she is gifted girl but hit some hot buttons by mistake; she knows she made a big mistake.
Beccah Beushausen said she cannot handle it any longer and she has plans to write one last blog post apologizing from fans and people she heart with her lies.