Florence Colgate face

by umer | 1:38 AM in |

Florence Colgate face

Florence Colgate face, Lorraine cosmetics has found The Most Beautiful Face In The World.

And guess what? She’s from Britain.

What a surprise!
Florence Colgate is the beautiful blond woman who just won a competition sponsored by Lorraine cosmetics to find the most beautiful face in Great Britain. And what a face she has indeed. The bright blue eyes and long, straight hair just add to the allure of what is considered mathematically perfect.

You see, Miss Colgate’s face is proportionally perfect symmetrically, with all the right angles between her eyes, nose, lips, hairline and chin. So say the scientists who judge such womanly matters and who is really to argue?

She’s also known as The Fish and Chips Girl. Can you figure out why?
Humorously the title of the competition was “Lorraine: Naked” which is not what you think. Entrees into the competition were not allowed any makeup, and plastic surgery was disallowed entirely. The perfect woman’s face had to be entirely natural.

Florence beat thousands of other competitors who had entered. She was declared the winner which lands her face all over billboard advertisements in Superdrug stores in England, regular features in the store’s magazine (called Dare), and best of all a shot at a lucrative modeling contract in London, and features in the store’s magazine.

About her natural beauty, Florence said “Women should not have to feel that they have to wear make-up. I hope people will look at me and think they don’t need to. I’m very happy with the way I look and I would never have any plastic surgery or Botox.”
Biography: Florence Colgate is only 18-years old and a senior at Warden House Primary School (like high school) in her hometown of Deal in the County Kent. This is the upper division of Dover Grammar School for Girls which is bursting with pride for their country girl made good.

Florence currently works at a fast food restaurant called the Middle Street Fish Bar in her ocean-side village. There she works tireless during the day serving french fries (called “chips” in England) to her lustful customers. No telling how many men have asked for her photo numbers, and how many customers she has turned down for dates.

Probably a lot, and the good news for her is that her employment may soon change. She is now a rising star who may have scooped her last bag of chips. Let’s hope so, although the locals will surely miss her perfect smile on her perfect face.

Here’s Florence as a baby. She’s a “chip” off the ole block, right?
She has clearly put a smile on her friends’ faces. “All my friends and family were ecstatic when they found out I had won.” said Miss Colgate. They provided a GREAT deal of support from her friends to push her beautiful face over the top in the “Lorraine: Naked” competition.

You can follow Florence Colgate on her Twitter page which is here. We cannot find a Facebook page for her, or any modeling photos of her yet. Help us in the comments if you can or contact us via email.