Memorable April quotes

by umer | 2:18 AM in |

Memorable April quotes
April 2012 celebrity quotes, From a controversial baseball manager to a gargantuan business deal to a shooting that brought American race relations to the forefront, it's been an interesting month. See the quotes that made headlines in April.
Affordable Care Act Supreme Court

Supreme Court debates health care law
"What is left? If the government can do this, what else can it not do?"

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia speculated on the impact of the mandatory portion of the Affordable Care Act.

 Read the full transcripts               affordable care act supreme court transcript

Amelia Earhart
"Admittedly, it's a needle in a haystack, but with the technology we have employed and the brains we have involved, if we don't find it, no one will."

Researcher Jon Thompson discussed the search to finally discover the aviator's crash site on the 75th anniversary of her disappearance.

Who was with Earhart when she disappeared?             navigator fred noonan
How is Hillary Clinton involved?                                 hillary clinton amelia earhart
Already found?                                                          1937 Nikumaroro landing gear photo
Ann Romney
"The dog loved it. He would see that crate and, you know, he would, like, go crazy because he was going with us on vacation. It was to me a kinder thing to bring him along than to leave him in the kennel for two weeks."

Republican candidate Mitt Romney's wife defended their choice to make the family dog ride in an unusual place during family trips.

Media feud?                             Hilary rosen ann romney
Her health issues                      Ann Romney Multiple Sclerosis
Anthony Hensley killed
Man dies in swan attack
"Maybe he didn't fight back enough when the swan attacked him. Maybe he didn't want to hurt the animal. I can't understand how this was possible."

An Illinois man spoke(George Koutsogiannis sun times interview) about the death of his son-in-law(Anthony Hensley killed), a caretaker who drowned after being attacked by the swans he was checking on.
Bobby Petrino
"My concern was to protect my family and a previous inappropriate relationship from becoming public. In hindsight, I showed a serious mistake in judgment when I chose not to be more specific about those details."

The University of Arkansas football coach lost his job after he admitted lying about a motorcycle accident to cover up his relationship with a recently hired staff member.

A big payoff?                                  jessica dorrell $20,000
Who took his place?                        Taver Johnson Arkansas
See 2012 college football schedules   college football schedule 2012
Connecticut repeals death penalty
"When I sign this bill, Connecticut will join 16 other states and almost every other industrialized nation in moving toward what I believe is better public policy."

Gov. Dannel Malloy praised his state's legislature for taking capital punishment off the books in Connecticut.

More non-death penalty states                   states without death penalty
Get the latest news on the anti-death penalty movement
Facebook buys Instagram
"Millions of people around the world love the Instagram app and the brand associated with it, and our goal is to help spread this app and brand to even more people."

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (on Facebook, of course) announced that his company had paid big bucks (Facebook Buys Instagram for $1 billion) for the popular photo-sharing app.

Facebook's other acquisitions
Get the latest news on Facebook
Watch Zuckerberg's "60 Minutes" interview
Jenna Talackova
"I am a woman. I was devastated, and I felt that excluding me for the reason that they gave was unjust. I have never asked for any special consideration. I only wanted to compete."

The transgender (transgender definition) pageant queen defended her right to participate in the Miss Canada competition.

The Trump connection                    donald trump + jenna talackova
Mayor Cory Booker
"It is a very, very scary thing. And I'd like to say that I, at that point I was feeling so courageous, but honestly, it was terrifying, and to look back, you can see nothing but flames. Look in front of you, see nothing but blackness."

The popular New Jersey mayor (Newark, New Jersey) denied being a hero after saving a neighbor from a house fire.

White House aspirations?                 cory booker president
A hands-on mayor                           cory booker shovels snow
NWS issues new tornado warnings
New tornado warnings
"Complete destruction of entire neighborhoods is likely. Mass devastation is highly likely, making the area unrecognizable to survivors."

The National Weather Service credited its new, attention-grabbing warnings with saving lives during a recent Midwest tornado outbreak.

What to do in a tornado                    tornado safety tips
Neil Heywood
"It was all very odd. There were a lot of questions, and a lot of tears. We'd all been to plenty of funerals, and none of us had ever been through anything quite like it."

A funeral-goer at Heywood's London services discussed the mystery surrounding the British businessman's death in China.

The Chinese murder suspect                  gu kailai
North Korean missiles
"North Korea is only further isolating itself by engaging in provocative acts and is wasting its money on weapons and propaganda displays while the North Korean people go hungry."

White House press secretary Jay Carney criticized the rogue state after reports of a failed missile launch surfaced. What was the country's explanation?

Who became North Korea's leader last year?                  kim jong-un
Norway massacre
"I have carried out the most spectacular and sophisticated attack on Europe since World War II."

Anders Behring Breivik admitting to killing 77 people in last year's bombing and shooting attacks while on trial in Oslo, Norway.

The young victims                              Norway Youth Camp Victims
Ozzie Guillen
"I love Fidel Castro. I respect Fidel Castro, you know why? A lot of people have wanted to kill Fidel Castro for the last 60 years, but that motherf****r is still here."

The Miami Marlins manager was suspended (ozzie guillen suspended for five games) after his controversial remarks angered Miami's Cuban population.

Not the first time                      sox manager guillen suspended for tweets

Rick Santorum
"We made a decision over the weekend that while this presidential race for us is over for me and we will suspend our campaign effective today, we are not done fighting."

The Republican candidate dropped out of the presidential race just days after his 3-year-old daughter was hospitalized.

Get the latest poll numbers                            presidential race 2012 polls
Secret Service prostitution scandal

"We let the boss down. Nobody's talking about what went on in Colombia other than this incident. So to that extent we let him down."

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey spoke about the sex scandal rocking the elite agents assigned to protect the president.

Escort speaks out                                       Colombian Escort Speaks Out
Why did the president visit Colombia?         president's colombia trip will boost us trade
Ted Nugent

"If Barack Obama becomes the president in November again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

The "Cat Scratch Fever" rocker caught the attention of the Secret Service when he made the controversial remarks at a National Rifle Association convention(nra).

Backlash?                                        fort knox cancels nugent concert
His reality show                               Ted nugent spirit of the wild
Titanic 100th anniversary
"You are in the middle of nowhere. And then youConnecticut repeals death penalty
"When I sign this bill, Connecticut will join 16 other states and almost every other industrialized nation in moving toward what I believe is better public policy."

Gov. Dannel Malloy (see a photo) praised his state's legislature for taking capital punishment off the books in Connecticut.

More non-death penalty states
Get the latest news on the anti-death penalty movement look down over the side of the ship and you realize that every man and every woman who didn't make it into a lifeboat had to make that decision, of when to jump or stay on the ship as the lights went out."

Titanic Memorial Cruise passenger Jane Allen spoke about the sinking of the Titanic on April 14, 1912. More than 1,500 killed on Titanic.

James Cameron's TV special                      James cameron titanic anniversary special
More Titanic facts
Trayvon Martin case
"We simply wanted an arrest. We wanted nothing more, nothing less. We just wanted an arrest, and we got it."

The late teen's mother expressed her thoughts on the arrest of George Zimmerman, who was charged with murder in the shooting of her son.

Wyclef Jean's tribute                           Wyclef tribute to trayvon
Protests across the country                  Hoodie March for Trayvon

Tulsa shootings
"I always got along with everybody. It didn't matter what color you (were)."

Accused hate-crime perpetrator Jake England denied being a racist despite posting a derogatory Facebook message (Jake England tulsa facebook post) before shootings that left three black Tulsa residents dead.

Who else is accused?                         Alvin Watts tulsa
The victims                                       tulsa shooting victims