Molly sims sweet tooth, Guess we can forget that old wives’ tale about predicting the gender of your baby based on your cravings. They say that women expecting boys crave salty snacks and meat, while wanting sweets means you’re having a girl.

Actress and model Molly Sims, who’s expecting a boy in June, confessed to People magazinethat her sweet tooth is the reason why she indulges in four desserts each day. They say that women expecting girls crave sweets, but she proved that theory wrong, even if people think they can guess or predict the gender of a baby will be based on sweet cravings.
Actress and model Molly Sims, who’s expecting a boy in June, confessed to People magazinethat her sweet tooth is the reason why she indulges in four desserts each day. They say that women expecting girls crave sweets, but she proved that theory wrong, even if people think they can guess or predict the gender of a baby will be based on sweet cravings.
“I literally had a Sprinkles red velvet cupcake, this little piece of marzipan bundt cake, and sorbet,” she said. “Oh that’s right, and I had some frozen yogurt: cake batter with graham cracker crust.”
But despite gaining her fame as a runway-slim model, Sims doesn’t mind going a little overboard, even if it means her waistline might stay expanded for a while.
“[Y]ou know that old saying, ‘You’re just a stomach flu away from a size 2′? I’m 12 stomach flus away from a size 2 now and you know what? It’s okay,” she says.
Besides, she has more important things on her mind now – like preparing to be a mom.
“I am a little nervous about the delivery and breastfeeding,” she says. “I hope I can do it, I hope we come through. I am so excited to meet him and just hold his hand.”
Don’t be so quick to Insanity and Pilates yourself back to a size 2 afterward, Molly. We veteran moms would like to have you on the maternity-jeans-five-months-later team.