Weirdest News Of 2012

by umer | 4:18 AM in |

Weirdest News Of 2012
Weirdest News Of 2012_Just three months into 2012, we already have a whole host of hilarious and horrifying news stories. Makes you wonder what the rest of the year has in store.

'Cooking With Poo' wins book title award
March 30

Never judge a book by its cover, or in this case, its title. "Cooking With Poo" was honored for the oddest book title (Cooking with Poo wins Bookseller Diagram Prize was the prize), but its author, Bangkok chef Saiyuud Diwong, wins praise for operating a cooking school and charity in one of city's largest slums. Diwong goes by the name Poo (Poo in Thai means crab it means in Thai).

Mr. Andoh's Pennine Diary . . . second place in Bookseller Diagram Prize is the book took second-place honors.

Man struck by lightning after buying lottery tickets
March 29

It just begs to be said. Bill Isles of Kansas was struck by lightning only hours after buying tickets for the Mega Millions lottery (Mega Millions lottery + 640 million jackpot was the record-setting jackpot). Though he wasn't a winner (Three tickets win Mega Millions lottery + 640 million jackpot the latest on the three winning tickets), the Wichita man proved that the odds of being struck by lightning are greater than winning the lottery (odds lightning 775,000 to 1 + winning lottery 176 million to 1).

Was Isles injured in the lightning strike?Kansas man + lightning threw him to ground, scrambled brain and irregular heartbeat.

Election webcam records disco
March 4

A webcam set up to monitor a polling station in Russia instead captured dancers partying to loud music at a nightclub (in Kirov, Russia city). The club was scheduled to be transformed into a polling station soon after the footage was captured.

How much did the government spend on polling station cameras?Russian government installed cameras for election at a cost of nearly half a billion dollars.

Frozen Dead Guy Days honors Bredo Morstoel
March 2-4

This Colorado town (Nederland, Colorado city) attracts a lot of stiffs. Frozen Dead Guy Days honors the frozen corpse of Bredo Morstoel, a beloved grandpa who passed away in 1989 in this Scandinavian country and was later transferred to the U.S. on dry ice.

How old would Morstoel be this year?Bredo Morstoel would be 112 this year.
What does the Frozen Dead Guy Days parade include?Frozen Dead Guy Days parade includes coffin races and frozen turkey bowling.

Britain's tallest horse will be at parade for queen
March 2

Britain's tallest horse ( heclydesdale digger is 9 feet with his head up), a Clydesdale (this breed clydesdale horses) named Digger, will help Queen Elizabeth celebrate her Diamond Jubilee ( that was Queen's Diamond Jubilee + 60 years on the throne) in June. The male horse is training to be a drum horse for the royal celebration.

How many gallons of water does Digger drink each day?Digger the tallest horse drinks 25 gallons of water a day.

Man sues hummus company after finding animal part in dip
March 1

A man is suing a hummus company (Sabra company) after reportedly finding part of an animal (man found animal toe in hummus part) in his dip. He bought the dip at a market in this posh area of New York City.

Did he eat the animal part?Man ate and then spit out animal toe from hummus.

Peeing man sues Google over Street View image
March 1

A man from a small village in this croissant-loving country is suing Google for capturing him urinating on Street View. In his defense, he was relieving himself on his own property (man peeing in his own garden caught on street view exactly) but nonetheless is humiliated it was caught on film.

What was Google's response to the lawsuit?google lawyer called lawsuit from man peeing on street view 'implausible' .

Man arrested for fake ID with celeb's photo
March 1

A Brazilian man was arrested for using a fake ID with the photo of an Oscar Award-winning Jack Nicholson. (Take a look at the fake ID.) He was attempting to do this with the ID when he was caught.

Query: Man arrested for fake ID with celeb's photo.

Mysterious philanthropist in Germany
March 1

Individuals from this German town have been left pleasantly befuddled since November by a number of unexpected monetary gifts (German philanthropist leaves money to church, soup kitchen, disabled boy and museum received them). The generous donor even takes into account German tax law and never leaves more than the maximum nontaxable amount (German philanthropist leaves maximum non-taxable amount of 10,000 euro).

How much in total has the good Samaritan given?mysterious philanthropist gives town 158,000 Euros.

Arrest for woman who gave illegal injections
Feb. 29

A Philadelphia woman (arrest for woman who called herself Black Madam she call herself) was arrested for illegally injecting a woman ( woman gave illegal butt injections part of her body) with a silicone substance that made her ill.

She's a 'person of interest' in a more serious case,Black Madam is person of interest in London death.

'Bra bandits' busted in Florida
Feb. 29

Two women were arrested in Florida in an alleged lingerie heist (from Victoria's Secretstore chain) dating back to October. The stolen goods (Hundreds of bras and panties stolen in Florida heist) were reportedly worth a staggering amount (Hundreds of bras and panties worth $34,000 stolen in Florida heist).

Gay woman denied Communion
Feb. 29

51-year-old Barbara Johnson was devastated after she was refused Communion recently at a funeral (woman denied communion at mother's funeral because she is gay ). The priest reportedly told her it was a sin that she was with another woman (woman with her partner for 20 years but was denied communion at mother's funeral).

How did the Church respond to the priest's actions?Church suspends priest who refused gay woman communion.

Rare sponge-eating disorder
Feb. 29

21-year-old Kerry Trebilcock (Cornwall, United Kingdom is she from) has a condition called pica (that is pica disorder exactlyt) that has caused her to eat a number of bizarre items, including sponges (Kerry Trebilcock has eaten 4000 sponges).

What other strange item has she consumed?Kerry Trebilcock has eaten 100 bars of soap.
How is the condition treated?mineral supplements, counseling treatment for pica condition.

Hit man chose to advertise business
Feb. 28

Essam Ahmed Eid (from Las Vegas, Nevada flashy U.S. city) chose to promote his dodgy business. Luckily, the FBI was quickly on the case and arrested Eid after he left the country (Ireland he had gone) and before there were any deaths.

Where is he now?Hitman Essam Eid in federal prison in Mississippi.

Dog breeder welcomes 27 puppies in one week
Feb. 28

Two of German dog breeder Beatrice Oswald's dogs (mastiff kind) had litters in one week. One had 11 and the other 16 (average litter size for mastiff 7 puppies), leaving her with 27 puppies over the course of three days.

Angelina Jolie's leg goes viral
Feb. 26

Rarely has a body part received more attention than Angelina Jolie's leg at this awards show. Jolie reportedly is considering firing her stylist for choosing the revealing dress (Versace designed the gown).

Unusual balancing act sets world record
Feb. 17

A 30-year-old man (Chongqing, China he is from) broke the world record for balancing benches (man balances 23 benches on his teeth) on his teeth. Check out this photo of his amazing feat. Ow!

What was the previous record?previous record was balancing 14 benches on teeth.

Man opens emergency exit on plane
Feb. 14

A Vietnam Airlines crew got a big surprise when a passenger opened the emergency exit upon landing in this country. Though it was an unconventional move (man opened emergency exit on plane because of crying child), many moms and dads can understand his action.

Who reportedly asked him to open it?Mother of crying child asked passenger next to her to open emergency exit.
Remember the flight attendant who made a quick exit? JetBlue flight attendant uses emergency exit.

Man's head reshaped using his own fat
Feb. 12

After a 25-foot fall off a drainpipe in 2009, Tim Barter had to have part of his skull removed to control swelling and bleeding in his brain. Doctors (King's College Hospital London was the surgery) later used titanium plates and most recently inserted Barter's own fat (from Tim Barter's head reshaped with fat from his stomach part of his body) to reconstruct his head.

What television series did Barter work on?Tim Barter worked on BBC's Dr Who.

Street cleaner finds Rolex in drain
Feb. 10

A street cleaner made quite a find when he uncovered a Rolex watch (Rolex worth 21,000 pounds found in drain) in a drain in this English county. The jewelry was later claimed by a relieved man who said the watch had great sentimental value (Rolex found in drain was gift from man's wife who had since died).

How did the watch end up in the drain?Rolex found in drain was stolen .

Bizarre new Internet cat craze
Feb. 3

An in-"bread"-able new trend (cat trend "Breading" it is called?) involving felines hit the 'Net earlier this year with photos being posted all over social media sites.

Call center workers given limited toilet time
January 31

Employees at a call center in this Scandinavian country voiced outrage at the strict limits put on their personal activities, including the time they spend in the toilet.

How many minutes are they allowed?call centre workers allowed 8 minutes in toilet per day.
Read about even more outrageous monitoring,Norwegian company makes women wear red bracelets when on period.

Unusual excuse for refusing to take sobriety test
January 29

After being stopped for suspected DUI, a woman from this Florida city claimed these body parts (big breasts hamper sobriety test) inhibited her balance and therefore affected the result of her sobriety tests.

What else did she do during the tests?woman started to dance during sobriety test.

Man withdraws mouse from ATM
January 27

Along with his cash (Swedish krona currency), Gholam Hafezi found a string dispensed from an ATM machine in this Scandinavian country. To his surprise, the string turned out to be the tail of a mouse, which may or may not have survived the experience.

How long is the average mouse tail?length of mouse tail is 5-10 cm.

World record for curtsying
January 27

In what may seem like a historic gesture, curtsying made a comeback when the world record was set for the "largest curtsy relay in five minutes" (314 curtsies in 5 minutes). A public relations firm (london & partners + official promotional organization for London its mission) organized the event as part of its bid to set 20 world records before this significant event in the summer.

Where was the world record set?New York, New York.

Toddler chews head off snake
Jan. 27

What would you do if you found your 1-year-old chewing on the head of a poisonous snake (hemorrhois nummifer species)? An Israeli mother (from Haifa, Israel city) screamed for her family, and a neighbor who quickly killed the snake. The toddler was unharmed, most likely due to the snake's being less active in this season.

Home built from shredded bank notes
Jan. 25

Its economy was once referred to as the Celtic Tiger (Celtic Tiger economy that is ), but Ireland is now in a recession. To highlight this extreme change, artist Frank Buckley built an apartment in Ireland's capital city from shredded euro banknotes.

How much were the banknotes previously worth?Irishman makes home from 1.4 billion euros.

Were mystery lights a flying saucer?
Jan. 1

Two bright green lights were seen soaring through the skies (Scotland, United Kingdom). Foggy weather suggests it's unlikely it was an airplane, but whether it was an alien spacecraft remains unknown.