Stevie Crecelius woman

by umer | 2:25 AM in , |

Stevie Crecelius woman
Stevie Crecelius woman,A Colorado man who was admitted to the hospital for a kidney stone received surprising news when the nurse came back with test results revealing he was actually a woman.

Denver photographer Steve Crecelius said he’s felt a little different all his life.
“When I was about 6 years old, I started having these feminine feelings, but that was in the ’60s. Wearing my mom’s makeup, I thought I looked pretty,” Crecelius told ABC News.
So when he went to the emergency room five years ago, he wasn’t too shocked when the nurse told him she found traits of both genders in his ultrasound results.
He was intersex, meaning he had both male genitalia and internal female sex organs.
“The nurse is reading the ultrasound and says, ‘Huh, this says you’re a female,’ Crecelius said. “It was very liberating. I had spent so much energy after the age of 13 constantly evaluating how people looked at me and acted towards me.”

source: abcnews