Lungs found on sidewalk

by umer | 1:24 AM in |

Lungs found on sidewalk

Lungs found on sidewalk,The Los Angeles County Coroner's office has just taken possession of what appears to be a pair of lungs that were found on a South Los Angeles sidewalk Sunday evening.

A spokesperson for Sgt. Pauline Panis of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department confirmed to The Huffington Post that the coroner arrived at the scene of discovery, the 13100 block of Avalon Boulevard, at around 11 a.m. Monday morning. The office then took what appears to be a pair of lungs back to the morgue to determine whether or not they are human.

The organs did not appear to be attached to a body, Ed Winter of the Los Angeles County Coroner's office told the Los Angeles Times.

The tissue will be examined either Monday or Tuesday, according to the Associated Press.

The lungs are not human, confirms Ed Winter from the LA County Coroner's office confirms to The Huffington Post.

Winter didn't say anything else beyond that, and couldn't say which animal species the lungs belonged to.

Coroner's Lt. Fred Corral told the Los Angeles Times, "They’re not of forensic value ... We’re going to dispose of them."

source: huffingtonpost