Burglars wash dog

by umer | 3:36 AM in |

Burglars wash dog
Burglars wash dog_ A man said he came home to find that burglars had celebrated a birthday, washed their dog and brushed their teeth in his Newton County, Ga. house.

WSBTV reports that the alleged young intruders left behind a camera with pictures of themselves treating Roderick Ward's home like their own personal dog grooming and party pad.

As he walked through the house, Ward said he noticed a dog collar in the bathroom.

"There was dog hair everywhere so I was like, 'Somebody done wash the dog in my house!’ I just couldn’t believe it,” Ward said.

He also found a leftover birthday cake in his kitchen.

The AP reports that authorities identified two teens and a younger child in the photos and then contacted their parents. Two other cameras and Ward's spare house keys were returned and the parents apologized. Because of the apology, Ward said he does not plan to press charges.

This isn't the first time criminals have left incriminating photographic evidence behind.

In 2004, car thieves allegedly abandoned the vehicle they stole, leaving behind cameras with photos of themselves.

Back in the days of polaroids , burglars allegedly left pictures of themselves behind after they broke into a manufacturing plant.

source: huffingtonpost