'Doctor Who' movie in the works

by umer | 12:23 AM in , |

'Doctor Who' movie in the works
'Doctor Who' movie in the works_ Our little geek hears are all aflutter! According to Variety, "Harry Potter" director David Yates is working with the BBC to develop a "Doctor Who" movie! Two of our favorite franchises ... it's enough to boggle the mind. Or cause a riot.

We've heard lots about a possible film for a long time. Johnny Depp's name was floating about among others. There is widespread debate among Whovians about whether or not a new person should play the good Doctor or if one of the previous Doctors from the re-imagined series should play the role.

Once the news hit the net, Twitter exploded with tweets like, "Matt Smith for the #DoctorWho movie or no movie at all, " and "Michael Fassbender as the Doctor FTW!" Ooh, now there's an idea. Fassbender has the gravitas to play the role and the wit to rival the former three.

If you don't know how this would work, here's the deal. The Doctor regenerates, so he can be played by anyone. According to the story, the film would not follow the current TV series. They're currently looking for writers and plan to take 2 to 3 years to get it right. Yates explained, "We want a British sensibility, but having said that, Steve Kloves wrote the Potter films and captured that British sensibility perfectly, so we are looking at American writers too."

So, are you guys excited for the film? Who would you like to see play the iconic role? Are you in for the Fassbender campaign? Let us know below.

source: zap2it