Germiest things in restaurants

by umer | 10:35 AM in |

Germiest things in restaurants

Germiest things in restaurants,I m not a germaphobe and before we get into this I don’t think you should make any major shifts in your habits. Just rest well knowing that some of these germy things are things you have contact with every day and you are still ok. In fact more contact may actually make us immune to some of the more dangerous things that can attack us. Let’s take a look at some nasty (but normal) germy things in public places.

Menus’s and bill folders – Even the cleanest restaurants hardly clean up their menus and bill folders. How many people have touched those today? How many of those people had bacteria from not washing their hands or illness? Flu can apparently survive for 18 hours on a hard surface!

Toilet doors, taps and anything in there! - A lot of people are dirty when it comes to peeing and running without washing their hands. No matter how posh the establishment the door handles, taps and any dispensers are likely pretty big bacteria playgrounds. Wash your hands well and use your feet to get out, ha ha! It reminds me of a study done a while back in the UK where they found more bacteria on the toilet seats of an upmarket department store than they did in a public restroom on the streets.

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