Alec Baldwin kicked off plane

by umer | 12:43 AM in , |

Alec Baldwin kicked off plane
Alec Baldwin kicked off plane_ Alec Baldwin is angry (again).

Or at least he sounded it today when he tweeted that an American Airlines flight attendant "reamed" him out for playing Words With Friends (a Scrabble-like game) on his phone.

Baldwin may have even been kicked off the flight after the unpleasant encounter, if he's being straight in this tweet from just a minute ago:
"Now, as I was kicked off this flight, the word I was playing was UNITED."
Earlier, Baldwin had tweeted:
"Flight attendant on American reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving. #nowonderamericaairisbankrupt."
But that wasn't all. Apparently he was so determined to get those moves in on the game (or something) that he was turned out of the flight completely, reports USA Today, citing other people who claimed to be on the flight with him (also via Twitter ... did they not have to turn off their phones?)
The USA Today report noted a tweet from Michael Wolf, founder of
"On an AA flight at LAX. Alec Baldwin removed from the plane We had to go back to the gate. Terrible that everyone had to wait"
Baldwin did report to be on a different American Airlines flight shortly after his first plane-related tweet.
Other Baldwin epistles:
"Last flight w American. Where retired Catholic school gym teachers from the 1950's find jobs as flight attendants."
"Now on the 3 o'clock American flight. The flight attendants already look.....smarter."
"My words with friends user name is now #theresalwaysunited"

source: nj