Walter scheib presidents Clinton and Bush liked beef ribs, bbq
Walter scheib presidents Clinton and Bush liked beef ribs,  Eating a vegetarian or vegan diet
Former President Bill Clinton had a legendary appetite — and a famously omnivorous diet that included extra helpings of fast food, barbecue, french fries and doughnuts. But after being diagnosed with heart disease and undergoing a quadruple bypass operation in 2004, Clinton committed to completely revamping his diet. Now he eats an essentially vegan diet — with no meat, no dairy and no eggs. And that could literally be a lifesaver for him:

Studies have shown that eliminating animal protein can lead to improvements in health. How? What is the recommended amount of protein in the daily diet?
The key is to make sure you are still eating a balanced diet and paying special attention to the nutrients that are hard to come by when shunning all animal products. What are the essential daily nutrients? Which foods replace nutrients from animal products?