Ann Romney Rich

by umer | 1:44 AM in , |

Ann Romney Rich

Ann Romney Rich _ Ann Romney doesn't think she is rich During an interview on Fox News on Monday, host Neil Cavuto asked Mrs. Romney if she and her husband are “oblivious, given your wealth, to the everyday concerns of average folks.”

She replied, “How I measure riches is by the friends I have and the loved ones I have and the people that I care about in my life, and that’s where my values are and that’s where my riches are.”

Then she added, “We can be poor in spirit, and I don’t even consider myself wealthy, which is an interesting thing. It can be here today and gone tomorrow."

It certainly is here today; the Romneys are said to be worth upwards of $250 million.

Her husband, who is somehow the frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination despite the fact that no one really seems to like him, has said such things as he likes firing people, he understands the plight of the unemployed because he is also out of a job, and that he doesn't really follow NASCAR, but some of his friends are NASCAR owners.

Oh, he also said his wife drives a "couple of Cadillacs," and he bet Rick Perry $10,000 during a presidential campaign, saying it like it was just betting a dollar.

Now his wife joins him as an out-of-touch rich person.
The Romneys made $45 million total in the last two tax years, virtually all of it coming from investment income since Romney's full-time job is running to become the Republican nominee for president, according to tax returns listed on Romney's campaign website.

"I don't even consider myself wealthy, which is an interesting thing," Ann Romney told Fox News Monday afternoon. "It can be here today and gone tomorrow."

The remark was just the latest to spark criticism that the Romneys are out of touch.

During one presidential debate, Mitt Romney offered a $10,000 bet to then-candidate Rick Perry over Perry's claims that he backtracked from claims that Massachusetts' health care law should be a model for the country.
Think about it for a moment. As you stare at that half-eaten plate of Hamburger Helper, rejoice that you had enough money to actually add hamburger to it this time around. Then consider the plight of the truly unfortunate. Ann Romney for instance. The wife of the former Massachusetts Governor told Fox News she doesn't even consider herself well-to-do.