Gen Mcchrystal fired after one year
Gen Mcchrystal fired after one year, The outspoken general's military career ended not on the battlefield in Afghanistan but on the political one in Washington after President Obama replaced McChrystal with Gen. David Petraeus in June 2010. McChrystal was allowed to retire as a four-star general.
The general who championed the counterinsurgency doctrine that worked in Iraq received the very rare rebuke of being fired during wartime (the same fate befell his predecessor, Gen. David McKiernan) when President Obama asked him to step aside after he gave an unwise interview to Rolling Stone magazine that badmouthed civilian national-security aides.
McChrystal was instead undone by his own loose lips and those of his senior aides, who appeared in an unflattering Rolling Stone profile mocking top diplomatic aides to Obama. McChrystal was immediately summoned to Washington, where his resignation was accepted.
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