+The 16 Craziest Celebrity Diets - It’s hard not to envy the bodies we see in the movies and on TV, but sometimes stars go to great —and unhealthy—lengths to maintain their coveted physiques. From an A-list actress who stuffed herself with baby food to a singer who swears by the slimming powers of grapefruit oil, discover the 16 wackiest ways celebrities have tried to lose weight.

Elizabeth Hurley , From her job as Austin Powers’ attractive sidekick to her role as the Upper East Side’s No. 1 cougar on Gossip Girl, this British actress’s sleek physique has never faltered.So, how does the 47-year-old star stay so slim? She once told the Daily Mail that she drinks at least six cups of watercress soup a day whenever she wants to lose a few pounds. watercress 10 calories in 2 1/2 cups, Elizabeth Hurley and Shane Warne,

Mariah Carey, This chart-topping singer may have an arsenal of vibrant pop hits to her name, but her diet is rumored to be intentionally bland. The recording artist once said her diet — one of her own making ― consisted of soups and fish prepared without sugar, salt or spices. Mariah Carey baby photos + dembabies.com,

Megan Fox , To transform her body, this ultra-sexy movie star relies in part on apple cider vinegar.She believes that the vinegar rids her body of water weight and boosts her metabolism, even though doctors have said otherwise. No scientific evidence that cider vinegar helps weight loss, megan fox pregnancy,

Jennifer Aniston , This impeccably coiffed actress may be childless, but that hasn’t stopped her from stocking her pantry with baby food. According to reports, this Friends star feasted on 14 servings of baby food a day when preparing for a movie she made with Adam Sandler. jennifer aniston and yogalosophy,

sarah Michelle Gellar, Long before vampires were cool, this actress was kicking their butts as a super buff vampire slayer. Sure, karate and kickboxing were part of the leading lady’s regimen, but in more recent years she’s rumored to have tried the cabbage soup diet, which involved eating unlimited cabbage soup plus low-calorie fruits and veggies. cabbage soup diet, sarah michelle gellar pregnancy,

Brooke Shields, Around since the 1930s, this diet involves eating half a grapefruit before every meal and hinges on the idea that grapefruits contain an enzyme that boosts fat burning. According to a number of reports, this former Calvin Klein model was one of the fad diet’s many celebrity fans. grapefruit enzyme naringin, Brooke Shields to host Drama Desk Awards,

Lady Gaga, We shouldn’t be surprised by any of this eccentric pop star’s antics by now — but we were stunned to read about the so-called drunk diet, pioneered by her ex-boyfriend, who even wrote a book about it. The singer says she drinks whiskey while she works, but then commits to exercising — even when battling a hangover. Here’s to hoping this diet is more of a publicity stunt than a lifestyle.

Christina Aguilera, Adding color to your diet can help ensure that you’re getting a variety of nutrients. This weight-loss plan takes that idea to the next level.Each day the dieter eats a different color; so, she’ll eat white foods on Monday, red foods on Tuesday and so forth. The offbeat regimen has supposedly attracted this big-voiced pop star and reality show judge. Metabolism-Boosting Weight Loss Plans,

Beyonce, This sultry singer-turned-actress invented the word “Bootylicious” with her smoking bod. After being cast in the motion picture Dreamgirls, the songstress turned to a liquid lemon juice mixture to quickly slim down for her role. The diet requires six or more servings of the juice a day as well as a saltwater flush and herbal laxative.We hope her then-boyfriend wasn’t around to see — or hear — what was coming out the other end.

Gwyneth Paltrow, We’re beginning to lose track of all the weird ways this actress stays slim. She has been known to follow a macrobiotic diet, a strict, mostly vegetarian plan. Then there’s her GOOP cleanse, a 21-day detox plan that allows only one meal a day. Even prisoners are given more food than that! The weirdest part of all of this is the way she chews her food, reportedly chomping each bite 13 times. gwyneth paltrow and Hugo Boss fragrance,

Adriana Lima, This is one of the scariest weight-loss plans out there. The dieter consumes only protein shakes mixed with powdered egg, washed down with a gallon of water, while continuing to exercise once or twice a day. And that’s just the beginning. Right before runway time, she’ll stop taking in liquids altogether! Emaciation may be a popular runway look, but in real life it’s just plain dangerous. adriana lima pregnant with second child,

Snooki, We love guilty pressures, so naturally we were intrigued by The Cookie Diet. But don’t let the title fool you. On this plan, dieters eat up to nine 60-calorie cookies a day, breaking for the hunger-suppressing treat every two hours. Talk about a cookie coma! One reality star used it to drop pounds she had put on with her binge-drinking lifestyle. Hint: Her name rhymes with cookie.

Jennifer Lopez, Don’t confuse this weight-loss strategy with the Grapefruit Diet—actually eating the fruit is too passé for this fly girl. We hear she prefers to carry a vial of the oil extract in hopes that the aroma will kick liver enzymes into high gear and promote weight loss. Sounds ridiculous, right? jennifer lopez American idol,

Kim Cattrall, Possibly one of the only Hollywood diets not to focus on weight loss, benefits of omega 3 lowers triglycerides in blood and reduce plaque in arteries, the Fish Facelift, or Perricone Diet, calls for hefty amounts of salmon to reap the anti-aging benefits of omega-3s. We’ve seen worse diets, but eating salmon at every meal gets old quickly. This Sex and the City star is rumored to follow the plan. benefits of omega 3 lowers triglycerides in blood and reduce plaque in arteries, kim cattrall Drama League nomination,

Madonna, We hear this material girl prefers her food fermented. More of a science than an actual plan, her chef has created a diet that’s high in fiber and laced with “good bacteria.” The theory is that the bacteria will ward off cancer and help with food digestion by promoting the growth of microbes in her poop. Yes, her poop. We hope we never again have to read about this star’s colon or bowels. Fiber: Your Diet's Secret Weapon, madonna nude photograph sells for $23,000,

January Jones , When we heard about this starlet’s diet, we thought she went mad! Following the birth of her son, she had her own placenta dried, crushed and put into capsules — and she ingested them in an attempt to shed her baby weight. january jones with baby,