Madonna b12 injections
What the hell is a B12 shot anyway? Well, it's a mega-dose of vitamin B -- administered by a needle. Charlize Theron and Hugh Jackman swear by them too. Prince reportedly gets a B12 fix before each performance. FYI: B12 has been called the "morning-after shot" because it helps alleviate a hangover; boozing depletes vitamin B from our bodies. When the Rage got a B12 shot last summer, she felt dizzy at first and then nothing. "B12, B.S.," she muttered as she drove away from Cedars with a sore forearm. Thirty minutes later, she felt a slight buzz -- akin to that first glass of white wine at a summer wedding -- and had some extra energy for the rest of the afternoon. To get a B12 shot, see internist Dr. Sabena Toor at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. She gives out about 30 or so shots a week to patients to "reduce stress and increase energy."Madonna b12 injections,At last night's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction, Justin Timberlake revealed that Madonna told him to drop his drawers so she could administer a B12 shot while they were collaborating. You may recall that Lindsay Lohan was rushed to the hospital for a "shot" when she collapsed on the set of a movie last July.
source: latimesblogs