Michael Phelps retire Olympics

by umer | 2:48 AM in |

Michael Phelps retire Olympics
Michael Phelps retire Olympics,In a revealing conversation with Anderson Cooper of "60 Minutes," Michael Phelps confirmed he will retire after the London Olympics. When he does, he has no plans to return to the pool.

"Once I retire, I'm retiring," he told Cooper. "I'm done."
The wide-ranging interview also touched on Phelps' training, charitable efforts and life in the spotlight. In it, the 16-time medalist confirmed what many had suspected -- that he was burnt out after his Beijing triumph and needed time to recharge before the long haul to London.

"It was hard, because I didn't know if the passion or the fire was still inside of me," Phelps told Cooper. "And it took awhile for me to actually realize it myself. [Coach] Bob [Bowman] couldn't tell me, my mom couldn't tell me. They couldn't help me find it."

Bowman was typically evasive when asked about Phelps' chances in London. He won two individual golds and two silvers at last summer's world championships while in lackluster shape, a fact which suggests a fit Phelps will experience success in London.

Other revelations in the interview: Phelps sleeps in a chamber that simulates being at 8,500 feet, he carries his Beijing medals in a purse and he likes to take "Hangover"-inspired trips to Las Vegas.

source: yahoo