Nicole Kidman urinate

"I loved every moment" Zac Efron gushed last month that his romantic scenes with co-star Nicole Kidman in The Paperboy were "everything you ever dreamed of" and "the highlight of my life.Wonder if that included the moment she cops a squat and pees on his fictional jellyfish sting!
Yes, you read that correctly: If you ever watch The Paperboy (which premiered last night in Cannes), you'll be treated to a platonic beach scene where Nicole lets loose... to treat Zac's jellyfish stings, we presume. What a humanitarian!Co-starring Matthew McConaughey and John Cusack, The Paperboy outlines a murder investigation conducted by a reporter who hopes to liberate a convicted murderer (John) who is behind bars. Nicole plays a wacky lovesick lady who hopes to free John so she can marry him.Unfortantely, the movie doesn't have an American release date — which might be a blessing in disguise for fans of the actors involved. As one critic for Indiewire's The Playlist wrote:"Many people will tell you that The Paperboy is a trash masterpiece, an instant camp classic, so bad it's good. These people, these critics, are simply not to be trusted about any question of judgment for a long time based on that half-hearted ironic 'endorsement' of one of the worst films of the year, never mind at Cannes."

The urine, we're told, goes all over Efron's "face and bare chest." Buchanan also reveals the key line of dialogue from the scene: "If anyone's gonna pee on him, it's gonna be me." I guess the movie is about a crazy woman obsessed with a death-row inmate, so.

When asked by one reporter about this flick marking her "comeback" she said: "I don't have a premeditated (agenda), that's just not my nature in life. Both husbands that I've been married to I married within three, four months. That's just who I am."

The movie premiered on Thursday casts Kidman as a small-town vamp whose tacky sensuality proves mesmerizing to the fresh-faced youth played by Efron, a world away from his "High School Musical" debut in the Florida-set thriller.
When Efron's character Jack is caught in a bank of jellyfish, Kidman shoves aside a gang of girls about to urinate on his stings -- as received wisdom would dictate -- and proceeds to do it herself.
"I'm not here to please everybody -- I'm here to tell truth," Daniels said when quizzed about the sequence, suggesting the buzz of amused disbelief it caused on the Internet was because people "have a fetish about it".
"Jellyfish cure is by urinating on the skin, that is just the way Pete Dexter wrote the book, I executed the vision," Daniels told Agence France Presse after a press screening of the film, which he based on a novel of the same name.
"He is frustrated because he can't get his girlfriend, he wants this woman, he goes out to swim because he's furious, he's swimming off his frustration... and half way through he is attacked by jellyfish."
Matthew McConaughey, who plays Jack's crusading reporter brother Ward in the movie, chipped in a word, saying: "That is, practically, what you are supposed to do for a jellyfish sting!
"Of all the things in the movie that are shocking, that was kind of a light scene!" added John Cusack, who plays the part of Hillary, a death row inmate who takes up a correspondence with Kidman's character.
The film, one of 22 in the running for the Palme d'Or, sees Ward return to his native Florida after he becomes convinced Hillary has been falsely sent to death row, hooking up with his brother and the vampish Charlotte to investigate.