Ted Nugent CBS This Morning, Ted Nugent sat down with "CBS This Morning" reporter Jeff Glor to discuss his recent fiery comments about President Obama and the Democrats that earned him a visit from the Secret Service. But the interview, which aired Friday morning, got fiery itself when Nugent unexpectedly yelled at both Glor and an off-camera female CBS News producer.
Nugent and Glor were seated outside at Nugent's Texas ranch, discussing the rowdy comments he made in April at an National Rifle Assn. convention, where he called the Obama administration "vile, evil and America hating," and the subsequent fallout, when the rocker unexpectedly lost his cool.
While answering a question about the comments and his perceived lack of moderation, Nugent asked Glor if he'd conducted a lot of interviews.
"Call me when you sit down across from someone who has more families with dying little boys and girls who get a call to take them on their last fishing trip in life. Call me when you meet someone who does that more than I do. Because that's really moderate. In fact, you know what that is? That's extreme! I'm an extremely loving, passionate man, and people who investigate me honestly, without the baggage of political correctness, ascertain the conclusion that I'm a damn nice guy and if you can find a screening process more powerful than that, I'll..."
And that's where the swearing begins. First at Glor, and then at the unseen CBS News producer.
During the post-segment wrap-up with co-anchors Charlie Rose and Erica Hill, Glor explained that following the interview, Nugent's wife forced him to apologize and he later told Glor that he was rushed to the emergency room after their interview to have a kidney stone removed.
Never a dull moment in the Nugent house.
Source: latimesblogs