Amber Portwood jail drama documented

by umer | 1:52 AM in |

Amber Portwood jail drama documented,Amber is presently sitting in jail, serving a five-year sentence for possession of a controlled substance! The final season of ‘Teen Mom’ will premiere Tuesday June 12, and Amber’s legal troubles, which stem back to the summer of 2011, will be documented for the world to see! Find out what will go down in the very first episodes!
The final season of Teen Mom premieres Tuesday June 12 and fans will get a chance to see Amber Portwood’s legal troubles unfold before their very eyes!
In a sneak peek at the first episode of the final season, Amber talks openly with her cousin Crystal about her impending legal troubles! At the time of filming, Amber’s charges seemed monstrous, but now only appear to be minimal compared to her present 5-year jail sentence!

“So, I plead guilty to first and third degree of domestic battery, two class A felonies, and they took off the neglect of a child,” Amber states in an MTV sneak peek! “My plea is two years probation and 30-60 days in rehab for anger control, substance abuse, and mental health,” added Amber.
At the time of filming, Amber’s plans for the future seemed optimistic as she hoped for a future with baby daddy Gary Shirley and their daughter Leah — together as a family! Amber said, “When I get back from rehab, I’m gonna try to get this new contact order dropped. Me, him, and Leah can hopefully be together as a family. I just want to get this all done.”
It’s sad knowing that Amber’s path towards freedom is approximately five years away. We hope this will finally be the wake up call that she need!

source: yahoo