Casey Anthony On The Run Again

by umer | 9:24 AM in |

Casey Anthony On The Run Again---Casey Anthony On The Run Again, Casey Anthony was forced to leave her South Florida hiding place and go on the run this weekend after her location was discovered by private investigators.

America’s most hated mother began to fear for her safety and decided to leave the place she has been staying in since she was cleared of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee in July.

It was reported last week that she has been increasingly going out in public undetected because she is said to have put on so much weight she is virtually unrecognizable.

The private investigators who discovered where she has been hiding were said to have been hired by Zenaida Gonzalez, who is suing the ‘tot mom’ for defamation.

‘Casey absolutely flipped out when she found out that private investigators hired by Zenaida Gonzalez, discovered where she was.

‘The private investigators were attempting to serve Casey with a subpoena to appear at the trial, which is expected to begin in January. Casey had been venturing out at night and the investigators had been tipped off by people who had seen her.

‘Casey is a smart girl and quickly determined that she had been found and refused to leave the house or accept service of the subpoena. The P.I.s weren’t stalking her or doing any surveillance, they just wanted to serve her and move on.