Kourtney Kardashian gained 40 pounds pregnancy,Reality star Kourtney Kardashian says losing the 40 pounds she gained while pregnant is proving to be a lot harder than she first realized.

Kardashian, 30, gave birth to son Mason Dash Disick, Dec. 14 and has lost 25 pounds since then. But the remaining 15 pounds of pregnancy weight is stubborn.

“Losing the weight has been a lot harder than I thought,” she says in the new issue of Life & Style. “I’ve lost 25 pounds so far. I still have 15 more to go.”

Part of the problem is finding time to go to the gym. “It has been hard to find time to work out,” says Kourtney. “All I want to do is spend time with Mason.”


The other issue of lack of motivation. “Since having him, I don’t care as much what I look like,” says Kardashian. “I gained weight in my booty, my stomach, my thighs and my arms. Everything got a little bigger for sure.”

Meanwhile, Kourtney recently spoke out when OK! magazine featured her on its cover looking super-skinny.

Kardashian says she never spoke to the magazine or posed for the digitally altered photo.

"They doctored and Photoshopped my body to make it look like I have already lost all the weight, which I have not," she said.

The petite, 5'1" Kourtney wants to return to her pre-pregnancy bikini body, but gradually.

"I do want to get back to the way my body was before, but it’s definitely not my biggest concern," she says. "I feel fine.”

If Kourtney needs help losing weight, perhaps she can turn to her sisters for help. Kim, 29, and Khloe, 25, each lost over 20 pounds this summer by dieting and working out.

source: examiner