Nikoleta Karoly

by umer | 1:26 AM in |

Nikoleta Karoly
Nikoleta Karoly,Some marriage-phobic guys get cold feet. This one got a wrung neck.

Nikoleta Karoly of East Naples, Fla., is accused of choking her boyfriend because he refused to marry her for the purpose of getting a new Visa, according to an arrest report filed earlier this month and sent to The Huffington Post.

As first reported in the Naples Daily News, Karoly's boyfriend told police that she had been getting increasingly violent with him, after he kept refusing to tie the knot.

The boyfriend said Karoly choked, scratched and slapped him so hard on his ear that he thought he was going deaf, the report states.

He also said Karoly had threatened to stab him if he didn't agree to walk down the aisle with her. The boyfriend told police that he fears Karoly might try to kill him. The latest incident was the fourth violent attack unleashed by Karoly in the last two weeks, the boyfriend told police.

Karoly insisted to authorities that she hit her boyfriend during sex "because it makes it better," according to the report.

She also told police, "I am a woman. How hard can I hit him?" the report states.

Karoly was arrested and charged with domestic abuse.

source: huffingtonpost