Tori Spelling gained 40 pounds pregnancy,Liam wears Kimball Concepts ‘My mom is hot’ tee ($5.25; romper $7.25). Their online store is not currently open, but should be soon!

On gaining the weight: I didn’t have a problem with it. Iate whatever I felt like, and the weight crept up. And I did not workout at all. [After the delivery], I immediately lost 10 lbs. Then thescale didn’t move. Nothing. I was like, ‘Why isn’t it coming off?’

On her c-section: I had an emergency c-section [after a failed induction hours after my water broke],which kept me from exercising for nine weeks. One of the biggestmisconceptions is that celebrities have c-sections because it’s easier.If I had a choice, I would not have, I would not recommend it. The recovery is much worse.

Life as a mom: You have to make the time to spend with your baby. But the greatthing is, in the work I do currently, Liam can be with us. I get to bewith my baby and my husband all day long. There’s nothing better. Lifeas a mom is fantastic — it’s hectic, but I always say the show and thebed and breakfast is more work than Liam is.

Not dealing with the weight: The last thing on my mind wasto diet. I ate more in the six weeks after the birth than when I waspregnant; I was just so happy! We were home all day long, and peoplewould bring food over to us. It was great.

Filming of Inn Love 8 weeks later: I was okay withit, surprisingly. But it was in the back of my mind. Liam was 2 months,and I felt like I should start losing weight.

I had a friend who did NutriSystem.I thought, "Let me try it." [Tori is now a spokeswoman.] When I startedto see results, it was huge for me, because I never had to lose weightbefore. I never once dieted. I mean, I didn’t go through my life eatingMcDonald’s every day, but I never needed a strict diet.

Exercise: Honestly, I’m not doing much. That’s been thehardest part, the workout. I try to do two days a week. I do treadmill,and with the trainer, Sam Levine, we do fun stuff like kickboxing. Anda lot of ab work to help my belly.

Once the weight came flying off, I was excited to get on the scale everyday. It was like a competition. I’m very competitive.

Goal weight: I’m at my goal weight now. I lost 30 lbs. I’mnot the thinnest I’ve ever been, but I’m at the weight I was when I gotpregnant, which is the weight I’d like to stay at.
