Bullied teen gets plastic surgery

by umer | 4:35 AM in |

Bullied teen gets plastic surgery,A Georgia teen goes under the knife in hopes of putt,ing an end to the bullying she says she's endured for years.What may seem trivial for most teens is a really big deal for 14-year-old Nadia Ilse.
Six weeks post-surgery, Nadia likes what she sees.

"When the comments started I just saw everything that was wrong. And nothing that was good," says Nadia.From Dumbo to elephant ears Nadia says the teasing was non-stop. She even skipped school because of it.
"It felt horrible it felt... it's like I'd tell them every day I wish I could get something done about it but I can't because we don't have the money for it."
When she was 10 years old Nadia asked her mother if she could have the surgery to pin her ears back.
A local surgeon quoted her $8,000, which they couldn't afford. But then Lynda Ilse, Nadia's mother, found Little Baby Face Foundation, a volunteer group of surgeons who operate on children with facial deformities.
In June, Nadia and her mother flew to New York for an all-expense paid trip where the doctor performed all three surgeries which would've cost $40,000.

Some might ask, how could a parent let their 14-year-old child do this?

Lynda is a single mother who also cares for her 9-year-old son Joshua who has Cerebral Palsy.
She says ultimately the decision was Nadia's.
"I thought Nadia was beautiful before the surgery and I think she's beautiful now as well but she loves herself more after the surgery."

For the first time ever Nadia is looking forward to the school year. She'll be a freshman and hopes she'll never be called Dumbo or elephant ears again.
