Left handers day

by umer | 4:27 AM in |

Left handers day August 13 is International Left-Handers Day.
Founded in 1976 by Left-Handers International, International Left-Handers Day promotes awareness of the inconveniences left-handers face in a predominantly right-handed world: tasks such as using scissors and can openers designed for right-handers, and writing on the right side of a spiral notebook. Left-handers, also called southpaws, avoid instances where they might clash elbows at the dinner table with right-handed companions. Once seated at a table, they need to move the water glasses waiters always put on the right side of the plate to their more convenient left side.
About 10 percent of the world’s population is left-handed.
Noted left-handers include President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, above; as well as Chilean President Sebastián Piñera; former U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton; Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates; U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg; artist Leonardo da Vinci; television and film star Oprah Winfrey; and musicians Paul McCartney and Jimi Hendrix.