Therapy dog helps law students

by umer | 12:24 AM in |

Therapy dog helps law students
Therapy dog helps law students _Yesterday was "Puppy Day" at George Mason's School of Law, as the university brought in a pack of adorable doggies to help stressed out students deal with the pressure of end-of-semester exams.

This is the second time that George Mason has offered the semester-end puppy party and, obviously, it's a hit with the kids. It was probably relaxing for the dogs too, since they were all recently rescued from euthanasia by a Virginia dog rescue foundation.
Cuddling with animals has been shown to be a proven stress reliever, which is why therapy dogs are a growing presence in hospitals, nursing homes, and even courtrooms, where they've helped young children get through difficult testimony about abuse. Yale Law School even has a registered therapy dog on call at their library. Students can "check out" Monty for a 30 minute play date. Given the pressure that college students finds themselves under as crunch of exams and job hunting comes bearing down on them, any healthy distraction is a welcome addition to the end-of-year schedule.

source: yahoo