Kim Kardashian British Airways
Kim Kardashian British Airways,Kim Kardashian took British Airways to task via Twitter, naturally, for "stealing" from her luggage on her way back from Europe (she was recently at the Cannes Film Festival).

In her somewhat scathing Tweets, Kardashian accuses the airline of taking "sentimental" and "not replaceable" items from her luggage, before adding "Shame on you."

No word on what Kardashian claims the airline took from her, but we're betting it's something shiny and new from Kanye.

Kardashian joins a list of celebrities who have Tweeted their displeasure with airlines. Last year, Lily Allen angrily Tweeted to Ryan Air for charging her to print her boarding pass, while, more famously, Alec Baldwin set off a firestorm for Tweeting angry words about American Airlines after the airline kicked him off a New York-bound plane for playing "Words with Friends."

source: huffingtonpost