Obese teen cut from home

by umer | 2:18 AM in |

Obese teen cut from home
 Obese teen cut from home,How the 63 stone teenager who had to be cut from her home in £100,000 rescue gorged on junk food served up by her mum

A 63-stone girl who had to be rescued from her own home has been fed a diet of junk food and fizzy drinks by her mother, it emerged last night.
Georgia Davis, 19, needed urgent care on Thursday but had to wait eight hours as walls were knocked down before she could be carried from her home into an ambulance.
The operation to cut into her home cost emergency workers an estimated £100,000.
She is due to remain in hospital over the weekend while doctors continue to test her for medical complaints including diabetes, kidney disease, spinal problems and respiratory failure.

Her mother Lesley has previously spoken of her guilt over the teenager’s obesity.
Neighbours of the family in Aberdare, South Wales, said it was the 57-year-old who bought Georgia’s food.
One said: ‘Lesley does the shopping for the family on a regular basis just like any other mother going to the supermarket.
‘Georgia lives on processed ready-meals, sandwiches and packs of peanuts and crisps. She is also partial to sausages, pasties, chips, chocolate and chunks of cheese with bottles of coke or pints of milk.’Yesterday, the teenager remained in her private room at Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales.
Mrs Davis and Georgia’s 74-year-old step-father said she was ‘doing fine’, though she is said to have been ‘stressed’ by the ordeal.
But Mrs Davis refused to talk about her condition in detail.
She has previously said of Georgia’s weight: ‘I feel guilty, of course I do.’
In an interview, she said she and her daughter had started comfort eating after her husband Geoff died when Georgia was five.

But she said she had later made a determined effort to change their diets – such as making her own chips instead of buying them from the takeaway.
She said in the interview: ‘I wish I could turn back the clock. But if you’ve never had food addiction, you can’t understand. You try to fight it but it’s like a drug.’
In 2008, Georgia told reporters: ‘Some people choose heroin but I’ve chosen food and it’s killing me.’
In the past, she has spoken of eating ‘a couple of loaves-worth of sandwiches filled with jam or cheese or meat’ every day.
This was in addition to five bags of cheese and onion crisps, two packets of chocolate bourbons, sponge cake, trifle chocolate cake, and four sausages with mashed potato and baked beans for dinner, as well as fizzy drinks.

Neighbours said she was thought to now weigh 63 stone, but added that it was impossible to know her true weight as it would require a specialist scale to measure.
Friends and family said they were praying her condition would not deteriorate further. One said yesterday: ‘It had got to the stage where she couldn’t get out of bed, nurses were visiting her every day to turn her over and wash her.
‘We are all hoping and praying that she pulls through and somehow can be put on the road to leading a normal life.’
A 40-strong team of builders, scaffolders and crew from all three emergency services was involved in the complex operation to remove Georgia from her home on Thursday.
As well as knocking down walls, they built a temporary ramp from the first floor of the house to the pavement to get her out, while local traffic had to be diverted.
It was the first time Georgia had left the house in over six months. Now Mrs Davis is said to be hoping to move into a new bungalow near their home – at taxpayers’ expense – so her daughter can be taken to hospital more easily.
Georgia has battled to bring down her weight for several years, attending ‘boot-camps’ abroad and trying to improve her health at her local gym.
Three years ago Georgia managed to lose half her body weight after attending a £3,600-a-month weight loss camp in the US.
But after returning home she struggled to stick to her 1,500-calories-a-day diet.
She also took up a strict exercise plan at a women’s gym in a nearby street, but gave up because she could not cope with the two-mile distance there and back.
At the time, she told friends on Facebook: ‘I’ve got a personal trainer and life coach, I’ve got the help now, this is why it’s going to work. I want to do it now.
‘But I refuse to believe that from my house to the bottom of Monk Street is just one mile.’
She also failed to stick to the small portions of a £240-a-month controlled meal plan, telling friends: ‘I’m coming off this diet – you can only try things and this one failed. This diet is not for me but at least I tried.’
A hospital spokesman said yesterday: ‘This young lady has had a settled night and has been seen this morning by the consultant in charge of her care.
‘Initial assessments have been undertaken and she will be undergoing further assessment during the day to assist in her plan of care.’

Read more: dailymail