Daylight Savings Time

by umer | 3:01 AM in , |

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time - Tomorrow morning at 2:00 am the time will magically leap forward an hour to become 3:00 am. Whose bright idea was it to “spring forward” in the first place? Not a mother of small children, I can tell you that much. Actually (I looked it up) Benjamin Franklin first suggested it (figures it was a man…) in 1784 as a way to save energy, but it wasn’t until a century later it was implemented. But for the sake of wanting someone specific to blame, let’s blame Ben. Here are just a few reasons I hate the time changing twice each year. Can’t we just pick a time and stick with it?

–Is figuring out nap schedules and bed times for small children not onerous enough without the clock turned forward and backward each year? Do you pretend it’s the old time and put them to bed an hour later or try to make them still go to bed on time (an hour earlier!) and hope they go for it?
–What’s up with Arizona and Hawaii? Why do they get to opt out? If moms across the other 48 states have to suffer, seems to me they should too. And if it’s not bad enough, certain parts of Arizona opt out and others participate. Which makes me think the evil masterminds behind daylight savings just wanted to confuse us, not save energy.

–It doesn’t even accomplish its original goal of saving energy, which means the only thing it does accomplish is DRIVING MOTHERS EVERYWHERE (except Hawaii and certain parts of Arizona) crazier than they already are.

Picture me tomorrow night at 7:00 pm, my girls’ bedtime, when it’s really 6:00 pm, fretting as I put them to bed amid screams of “It’s still light out!” and “I’m not tired yet!” while Benjamin Franklin rests in peace not understanding the chaos he’s caused.