Jessica Alba gained 60 pounds first pregnancy

Jessica Alba gained 60 pounds first pregnancy,Becoming a mother to daughter Honor has brought perspective to actress Jessica Alba’s life. In a new interview, the woman who says she loves her stretch marks, talks pregnancy weight gain and contentment. GENLUX reports:

I asked her how much weight she gained, and she pauses like no one has ever asked her the question. “Um…over 50 pounds…actually, over 55 pounds. I stopped counting at eight months because I got too depressed. I was like ‘Whatever!’ I’ll deal with it after I have the baby!”

Speaking of what has changed since becoming a mother Jessica says, “I’ve learned so much! Like really, truly living in the moment and enjoying each day and really taking in simple things. To spend time with people you love – no matter what it is you’re doing – whether I’m finger-painting with my daughter at home or going to the grocery store.”

Being a mother has brought the 29-year-old a new sense of contentment. Jessica continues, “Before, I would just go through the motions. I was always seeking, and it was always about work. It was always about ‘I’ll be happy when this happens or when that happens.’ It was about setting goals and not being content with the here and now. I was always striving for something else. Or like something better was out there. I’ve really learned to genuinely appreciate each moment. And to just enjoy the simples things. Like Honor saying a word she’d never said before…or wanting to dress up …or bath time – the simple little things. And not thinking that it has to be a momentous event to be happy or satisfied.”

SOURCE: babycenter